We went shopping, but for used books and comics and dishwashing soap. I don’t like having to park and stop on steep hills; I’m always afraid the car is going to slam back into the car behind me before I can accelerate.
Right now I have Ghost Adventures on the TV for ambient noise. My husband is watching S.H.I.E.L.D. on the bedroom TV. A brass band is practicing in one direction down the street, and music is blaring in the other direction, and in the distance, ships blare their huge, bellowing horns.
Mini-review: Jordan Mechner’s Templar is awesome. 14th century heist caper graphic novel for the win. The characters stood out for me, the action scenes were beautifully drawn, and …hey, it’s Templars. I have a huge weakness for religious conspiracy theories, and the Templars are of course the granddaddies of such things.
To document Thanksgiving itself: on the 1-10 meter between ‘YAY HOLIDAY’ and ‘everything is bad and wrong,’ I hovered at about a 4, which is better than I’ve been in years. Two weeping fits and two pieces of pumpkin pie. Pork loin carnitas, potatoes roasted with adobo and garlic, and kale with yellow peppers and onions.
I’m still documenting my beginning efforts at origami here. I’m in a fantastic Lexicon game here. My brilliant husband is working on Hillfolk playsets on his blog, the first of which is here.
Tonight he’ll probably go see a few movies in the Another Hole in the Head film festival lineup, while I play Lord of the Rings Online and role-play over Skype and eat leftovers. It’s been a good holiday so far.