First: Really? My father used to have a thing about never patronizing a business that deliberately misspelled its title. I get that. I feel the same way about names that all run together using lowercase letters, as if that makes everything more profound.
Anyway. To sum up: About 70 years ago, the whole population of a tiny New Hampshire town left home and walked a trail that led to the death and/or disappearance of just about everyone. Now, a couple of photographers/writers, along with support staff and a local, attempt to recreate that walk to find out more about the townsfolk’s final days. A horror movie ensues.
The first two-thirds of this movie scared the bejesus out of me. I’m a sucker for excellent sound effects, and even on our lousy home system, the music and sound-related creepiness had me ducking under blankets. And I can’t really talk about the rest of my opinions without a great big spoiler tag, so: